November 10, 2023

    What You Need to Know About the Sunsetting of Dynamics SL

    Last year, Microsoft announced that it was extending the previously announced end of mainstream support for Dynamics SL by six months. Now, those extra six months are almost up, and there are no more extensions on the horizon. That means it’s time to get serious about figuring out your next steps. 

    Read on to see what the sunsetting of SL means for you and what your options are moving forward. 

    What Does “Sunsetting SL” Really Mean? 

    When the sun officially sets on Dynamics SL in January 2024, Microsoft will no longer issue year-end updates for the software. In other words, SL will stop evolving—there will be no more new features or functionalities. And while there will still be the occasional security patch, you’ll need to invest in a support and maintenance package to access them. Extended support will last until at least 2028, but if you stick with SL, you’ll be missing out on the enhanced security of Microsoft’s powerful Cloud platform.  

    Considering Your Options 

    We understand the temptation to hold onto Dynamics SL for as long as you can. It’s been a trustworthy ERP solution for a long time, and you’ve probably done quite a bit of work customizing it to your organization’s exact specifications. But as the business world continues to move to the Cloud, standing still is not your best option, short term or long term. Eventually, extended support will run out, your data will be vulnerable, and your company’s growth potential will be handcuffed to outdated tech.  

    Microsoft recommends migrating your ERP solution to Dynamics 365 Business Central. But if you’re not quite ready for Business Central, you could also host your Dynamics SL solution in Azure, Microsoft’s Cloud platform. Either way, you’ll at least be able to evolve from your old, on-premises SL solution. 

    Your best first step is to use Enavate’s free Cloud Migration Assessment tool. In just a few minutes, the tool will analyze the modules and metadata in your Dynamics SL solution and determine what you’d need to do in order to migrate to the Cloud. And the tool is so light and quick that you can run it during business hours without disrupting anything. 

    When the tool is done doing its thing, it will automatically generate a report with all the information you’ll need to make an informed decision about next steps. You’ll also get a chance to discuss the test results with an Enavate account manager. 

    From there, you have three options, and Enavate will be there to help with whichever one you choose.


    Option 1: Make the leap to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.  

    It’s the biggest project of the three, but it also has the biggest payoff. By partnering with the Business Central experts at Enavate, you’ll be able to take full advantage of Business Central’s powerful capabilities while carrying over the things you liked about Dynamics SL, including integration with Microsoft Project. Once you’re fully moved to Business Central, you can take advantage of Enavate’s support services to get the most out of your setup.   

    Option 2: Migrate Dynamics SL to Microsoft Azure.  

    If you’re not quite ready to move to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can still benefit from Microsoft’s security strength by migrating your existing Dynamics SL solution to Azure. Even without Business Central’s suite of tools, you’ll be able to avoid downtime and protect your organization from ransomware and other cyberattacks. Enavate’s experts can help you not only with the migration, but with monitoring and managing your new setup moving forward.  

    Option 3: Stick with Dynamics SL.  

    If you’d rather hold onto Dynamics SL for now, we’re more than happy to help you navigate the post-sunset landscape. After all, just because Microsoft is ending mainstream support, it doesn’t mean that our SL experts will forget everything they know about it. We’re here to help you manage your existing ERP solution for as long as possible 

    Still, we firmly believe that all paths lead to the Cloud—so you should really think of this as a short-term option. If you really want to grow your business, you’ll need to make the leap to Business Central or another Azure-based solution eventually. 

    Let Enavate Be Your Trusted Partner   

    If you’re not sure what your organization should do to prepare for the sunsetting of SL, let Enavate help. You can check out our blog for more info about the Cloud, download our free Assessment Tool, or talk to one of our experts today.  


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