Enavate Blog

    December 13, 2023

    How Wine Management Software Helps Wineries Overcome Labor Shortages

    According to Sante Magazine, 45% of wine companies surveyed have experienced staff shortages in recent years, and over one-third say they’ve had to abandon growth... Read More
    December 7, 2023

    Year-End Close Process in Microsoft Dynamics GP: Tips and Tricks

    The year-end close can be scary, but it doesn't need to be! At Enavate, we’re focused on creating an efficient and streamlined process that reduces the stress and pressure of... Read More
    November 10, 2023

    What You Need to Know About the Sunsetting of Dynamics SL

    Last year, Microsoft announced that it was extending the previously announced end of mainstream support for Dynamics SL by six months. Now, those extra six months are almost... Read More
    November 1, 2023

    How Cloud Technology Can Make Distributors More Productive

    You’ve probably heard the Cloud is safer and faster, but can it make your distribution business more productive? A decade ago, we wondered if the Cloud was secure. Now,... Read More
    October 27, 2023

    5 Key Considerations Before Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics GP

    Some organizations approach their Microsoft Dynamics GP upgrade with the attitude of “If it’s not broken, we’ll leave it alone.” However, that way of thinking can, at best,... Read More
    October 23, 2023

    Which Emerging Supply Chain Tech Gives Distributors the Best ROI?

    The last few years have been chaotic for the supply chain, to say the least. Simply maintaining stability has been enough of a challenge, but distributors still need to grow... Read More
    October 23, 2023

    What SMBs Should Demand in a Business Central Implementation

    Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have so much at risk during a software rollout, from workflow changes and stakeholder buy-in to the learning curve. Read More
    October 17, 2023

    As Your Winery Invests in Tech, Don’t Neglect Back-Office Software

    In recent years, wineries have begun to make big, bold investments to modernize their field, supply chain and logistics operations. From smart irrigation systems to... Read More
    September 25, 2023

    Technology Helps Wineries Overcome Modern Day Challenges – Here’s How

    The wine business has been around for centuries, and so have many of the challenges wineries face. But in recent years, new problems have emerged, and winemakers can’t lean... Read More

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